Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Preview to the Golden Years

Diwali is a wonderful season, it is festival time and everyone is pulling the stops to be happy, merry and gay. Walls are painted, homes are redecorated, new products are bought, old stuff is thrashed. Families get together and celebrate with good cheer and reaffirm a connection that will only be livend up next year. Most importantly there is food, because as Indians we have definitely one thing in common, and i mean all 1.42 billion of us is the joy of food.

Diwali being the premium celebration the food made available to us is not only scrumptious and unbelievable, it is also available in plenty. Oh, and as if you did not have enough food at home, there are friends and neighbours that will come by and drop off some for you. Then you go to work and you will find some more delectable goodies.

As grown ups you have to keep a close eye on your intake of food in this season. I mean, the sheer volume just clouds your judgement, and you tend to make insane dietary choices. Most of us can get away with eating like this, kids because of their strong metabolism don't even notice it. Most adults, those who have retained this metabolism from their childhood, also have no problem with this. It is poor folk like me that have to bear the brunt of the consequences.

Ok i have to say this, i am going to turn twenty three on October 26th (no, that is not a subtle reminder for you folks), i am still quite young, or so it would seem correct. Don't get me wrong, i am still quite physically fit, and i can push my body to extreme situations and it can still take it, but lately i have to be extra careful of what i am eating.

I go to a restaurant, i order the food, the least fried, least fatty and the ones with the best nutrition to calories ratio. Do you know what just went out of the equation - taste! For the first time in over two decades, i don't mind what my food tastes like as long as it is healthy. All of this and i am still not 23 years old.

My dad, started watching his food intake at the age of 40 - till then he just ate whatever he got his hands on. So what makes me so different from my Dad. By the way, my Dad also exploited his system like i did, but he did it for longer. My Dad has diabetes, high blood pressure, a family history of piles and weighs 140 kg. Not what you would call a healthy specimen - well the gentleman still has pristine digestive system.

This is alarming - i mean i am actually losing my sleep over it, truth be told i am losing sleep 'cause i am gassy and i can't sleep, so quite literally losing sleep over it. I have to see what is wrong - why is it that i have the digestive system of a 40 year old man.

There is an all time favourite reason - CK you don't chew your food properly. I have made a sincere effort to chew my food rigorously - for fear of losing sleep and ruining my mornings.

CK- you eat junk - I stopped eating junk about 8 months ago. I carry lunch from home and i eat sparingly outside.

CK - you need to stop drinking - i havent had a decent drinking session in over 3 months. It hasn't helped.

CK - you have taxed your system way too much, give your body some time to rest. I had jaundice recently - and i have been given it enough rest - ever since.

Here is the scary part folks - i knew this day would come, sure, a body gets old, the organs start to deteriorate and you will ultimately lose its peak performance. But i am FREAKING 23 - so the question that comes to mind is, what happens when i hit 40? Followed by the next question - Will i hit 40?

Questions that are currently left unanswered - an enigma that has to be solved, but right now the question is a step forward. I would like to get it answered to spread it as a cautionary tail to stop young people from throwing away their lives like i did.

I have to mention though, i had fun. We ate what we wanted to, when we wanted to, if we wanted to. Drink the dirtiest water, eat still worse food - white meat, red meat, strange meat - assortment of cheeses, wine, beer, whisky, rum - all kinds and all qualities. But should the party end here?

We shall wait and see....at least i know what a 40 year old goes through....and boy is it tough!

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