Sunday, November 8, 2009

Welcome to Owl City

We as social animals have over the course of our existence on this planet picked up on something that other species have not - that is music. The harmony and the beauty in sound. From the ritual thumping of the feet as we were dancing around the fire back in the days of yore, to the thumping of the bass speakers in the club as we dance around the shiny crystal ball in the clubs today. It has all been about music, it occupies a sacred spot in all our lives.

Then as we grow older and bifurcate as cultures, and ideologies, social class distinctions we sort of decide to choose the kind of music we listen to. Oh...i listen to Indian Classical, no no i am a hip - hop fan.....don't talk to me about anything other than Rock and Roll - i don't know any other music other than HOUSE or POP.

All of this mayhem, preferences, choices and clans....we forget that what we as humans love is rhythm.....tempo.....harmony. A piece of music which gells is so well together...there is nothing else that matters beyond that.....really.

Welcome to Owl City - this is Adam Young...a jobless guy who decided to make music using his synthesiser and some friends to give a back up. He is not a distinguished singer, nor is he a brilliant composer of words and music....he just knows Harmony. The music flows as one piece...and washes over you like a beautiful wave hitting the rocks and you know the rock is just loving it.

True to form, we in India are not going to be introduced to Owl City soon, this is because we are too busy listening to what we have been listening to so it is the job of the few of us who have heard Owl City to propagate the music.

I got my friend to listen to the music, and he excitedly said that this is beautiful but also ventured to ask me how i came about to listen to this 'type' of music....i answered long as it sounds good - i will listen to it.

Please check out Owl City - Ocean Eyes - go to Youtube and start watching the will do yourself a huge your mind to new harmony!

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